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 The Pyramids of China

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Commandeur Adama
Magister Ordo Kolob - Admin
Commandeur Adama

Nombre de messages : 8905
Age : 60
Localisation : Pays de Néphi - Mormon forest
Date d'inscription : 16/02/2007

Chevalier de Kolob - Vers la Sagesse
A reçu la Lumière A reçu la Lumière: 180
En quête du Vase Précieux et Elu En quête du Vase Précieux et Elu:
The Pyramids of China Left_bar_bleue150/200The Pyramids of China Empty_bar_bleue  (150/200)
A la recherche du couple de Licornes du Jardin d'Eden A la recherche du couple de Licornes du Jardin d'Eden:
The Pyramids of China Left_bar_bleue7/700The Pyramids of China Empty_bar_bleue  (7/700)

The Pyramids of China Empty
MessageSujet: The Pyramids of China   The Pyramids of China I_icon_minitimeLun 26 Nov - 16:13

The Pyramids of China

The Pyramids of China Pyramid1

These are pictures of the pyramids taken from a road to the airport. These photos are copyrighted.
A few years ago, back around 1997 or so, I made this page to document some of the pyramids and mausoleums around the city of Xian. Of course, that was back in early highschool so I made a lot of documentation mistakes and put the wrong names to various dynasties. Here is the corrected version.
Scattered in the region around the ancient capital of Xian are over a hundred dirt mounds resembling pyramids. Although some people say that they are of extraterrestrial origins, they are simply mausoleums.

The Pyramids of China Pyramids2

Above: The tomb of Qin shi Huangdi, first emperor of the Qin dynasty. The pyramid is about 150 ft tall and 1000ft on each side. It was recorded to be 450 ft tall back when it was built around 210 BC.
Most of the pyramids range from 20 to 200 ft in height and 50 to 600 feet in width. All of the pyramids face exactly north, south, east and west. The oldest of these pyramids is the tomb of Qin shi Huangdi, first emporer of the Qin dynasty. Near his pyramid is the site of the world famous terra coata soldiers.

The so called "Great White" pyramid: The tomb of Empress Wu of the Tang dynasty:

The Pyramids of China Pyr2

The largest pyramid in the region is that of Empress Wu, of the tang dynasty. Empress Wu was the first female leader of China and her tomb was constructed around 700 AD. The tomb is exceedingly large, almost a full kilometer (3000 ft) tall. The structure was originally a small mountain which had mud piled around it until it was shaped into a pyramid. It doesn't look like a pyramid from all sides, which is probably why many western adventurers can't find it.

The Pyramids of China Pyr1
Seen from the side.
The complete structure is made to look like a women rising out of the earth and is complete with two breast pyramids:

The Pyramids of China Pyr3

aerial view

The Pyramids of China Postcard-over

Reference : http://www.trilobia.com/pyramids.htm
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