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 Table of UFO shapes by Paul Hill NASA aeronautical engineer.

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Commandeur Adama
Magister Ordo Kolob - Admin
Commandeur Adama

Nombre de messages : 8905
Age : 60
Localisation : Pays de Néphi - Mormon forest
Date d'inscription : 16/02/2007

Chevalier de Kolob - Vers la Sagesse
A reçu la Lumière A reçu la Lumière: 180
En quête du Vase Précieux et Elu En quête du Vase Précieux et Elu:
Table of UFO shapes by Paul Hill NASA aeronautical engineer. Left_bar_bleue150/200Table of UFO shapes by Paul Hill NASA aeronautical engineer. Empty_bar_bleue  (150/200)
A la recherche du couple de Licornes du Jardin d'Eden A la recherche du couple de Licornes du Jardin d'Eden:
Table of UFO shapes by Paul Hill NASA aeronautical engineer. Left_bar_bleue7/700Table of UFO shapes by Paul Hill NASA aeronautical engineer. Empty_bar_bleue  (7/700)

Table of UFO shapes by Paul Hill NASA aeronautical engineer. Empty
MessageSujet: Table of UFO shapes by Paul Hill NASA aeronautical engineer.   Table of UFO shapes by Paul Hill NASA aeronautical engineer. I_icon_minitimeLun 26 Nov - 1:12

Table of UFO shapes by Paul Hill NASA aeronautical engineer. 40445071125112714

Table of UFO shapes, from the classic book "Unconventional Flying Objects" by Paul Hill (a NASA aeronautical engineer who developed an interest in UFOs in the 1950s -after having two sightings of his own- and privately studied UFOs for years). His list of UFO shapes above, does not include the very large V-shaped (boomerang / crescent), the triangular and the smaller triangular/pyramid UFOs.

Those were quite rare in the 1950s - 1970s, when Paul Hill collected data and wrote his book, but became very common in the 1980s and beyond (there are several documented sightings of very large black triangular UFOs even in the 1960s, so it's not a contemporary phenomenon). [Request: If you're an experienced user of computer graphics/drawing software, consider re-drawing this table of UFO shapes above and send me a copy to put here, TIA. Note that the "saturn" shape is not a perfect sphere, but a "flattened" one - see the photo of the Trindade UFO inside.]

Reference : www.hyper.net/ufo/summary.html.
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Table of UFO shapes by Paul Hill NASA aeronautical engineer.
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