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 Ancient Astronauts

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Commandeur Adama
Magister Ordo Kolob - Admin
Commandeur Adama

Nombre de messages : 8905
Age : 60
Localisation : Pays de Néphi - Mormon forest
Date d'inscription : 16/02/2007

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MessageSujet: Ancient Astronauts   Ancient Astronauts I_icon_minitimeJeu 22 Mai - 1:21

Ancient Astronauts

Ancient Astronauts Ancientastronauts
The term 'Ancient Astronauts' generally refers to extraterrestrials who
came to Earth and were in some way responsible for seeding the human race.
There are references to these entities in the bible, in ancient art and other texts. They are all linked with myths about creation found in all ancient civilizations.
As we search to find the truth behind the illusion, who created the human race, or biogenetic experiment, we look to those who came from the stars, ancient astronauts, creational gods, for our answers. All is theory, virtual reality, consciousness, and for the most part not provable, subject to the interpretation of the researcher or experiencer.
Most of us would love to find evidence of ancient astronauts, be visited by friendly aliens who could enlighten us to our true creational blueprint. Throughout the history of the human drama, we find all sorts of evidence that makes us think, believe, and quest for the greater truth. They are all just myths, legends, and theories...
Theories about Atlantis often link sightings of ancient astronauts to Atlantean space ships. This goes to the ancient gods called the Zep Tepi.
In China we find theories about an alien race called the Dropa who left behind fascinating discs.
The Popol Vuhl sacred to the Mayans, unequivocally states, "Men came from the stars, knowing everything, and they examined the four corners of the sky and the Earth's round surface."
Brazilian UFO researcher Jean Alencar has noted that the mythology of this country is replete with descriptions and statuettes of beings endowed with the power of flight. The legends of Brazilian natives, like those of other countries, detail experiences of gods or travelers from the sky who descended to earth when humans were little more that animals to instruct them in the arts of agriculture, astronomy, medicine, and other disciplines. Alencar points out one figure in particular, Bep-Kororoti, a space warrior worshipped by the tribes of the upper reaches of the Xing River. Not unlike the heroes of India's Mahabarata, Bep-Kororoti possessed a flying vehicle capable of destroying anything in its path. His aspect terrified the primitive natives, until he stepped out of his "raiment" and revealed himself to be fair-skinned, handsome, and kind. He amused the natives with his "magic" until he grew restless for his land in the sky and returned there.
The Chilam Balaam, is even more explicit and states "Beings descended from the sky in flying vessels...white men in flying rings, who can touch the sky."
There are indications that something very strange took place on our very own continent hundreds of thousands of years ago, before humans arrived on this continent (according to the canon of anthropology). Santa Maria Canyon holds evidence pointing toward the existence of a culture of intelligent beings who raised cattle, built weapons, and practiced funeral rites -- one million years ago. If we decide to stick with what academia has to say, in no way could these beings have been humans. Were they survivors of a Race of Aliens? This brings to mind theories of marooned spacemen, or colonists trying to tame a new planet? During the Prehistory Conference held during 1962 in Rome, Dr. W. Matthes presented the oldest carvings known to exist, created by a forgotten artist two hundred thousand years ago, when humans had allegedly just discovered the use of fire.
Discovered by the 19th century French explorer Henri Lhote, these figures were so unusual he dubbed them Martians, explaining their contour is simple, unartistic, and with rounded heads; their only detail is the double oval at the figure's center, which evokes the image we currently have of Martians.
Great Martian Gods c.6000 BC from Tassili Mountains
Ancient Astronauts Ancientastassili
Ancient Astronauts Ancientastcaveart
Sahara Desert
Ancient Astronauts Ancientastassili2
North Africa
Lhote's round-headed denizens of the Red Planet were depicted by the primitive cave artists as wearing suits strongly reminiscent of those worn by our own astronauts on the Moon, down to the detail of the boots. Several hundred such drawings exist, scattered over many miles of desert: strange helmeted and figures with antennae, often floating in weightlessness as if the artist had been able to witness one of our modern space walks. Other images are of a technological bent, showing what could be taken as solar panels, space stations, floating spheres containing humanoid figures. Unwilling to be caught up in the ancient astronaut craze, anthropologists have suggested that the Tassili "roundheads" are merely ceremonial dancers or priests wearing empty gourds over their heads. The problem with this rational approach is that the agricultural know-how and resources to grow pumpkins were nonexistent in North Africa at the time the Tassili drawings were created, and would probably not have been available for another thousand years.
Ancient Astronauts Ancientastroutah
Sego Canyon, Utah, c. 5,500 BC
Ancient Astronauts Ancientastronauts
Val Comonica, Italy, c. 10,000 BC
Ancient Astronauts Pertoutahspirit
The examples of cave art found in the Spanish caverns of Ojo Guarea and Altamira, and the French ones at Lascaux and Font de Gaume, have proven that our distant ancestors were able to represent what they saw with a clarity and simplicity that is stunning to twentieth century eyes. This skill extends to depictions of things that anthropologists and archaeologists often find troublesome: equally faithful representations of domed objects, some of them in threes, others with legs or antennae.
Ancient astronauts have been described as bi-pedal entities often with beaks or wings, or reptilian looking, gray aliens, ethereal, or humanoid coming and going in space craft of some kind or moving in and out of our dimension. Different theories or stories of creation cite these entities, not unlike gods from heaven who many believe seeded the human experiment and will return one day. The feeling of a god returning to Earth, a savior, if you will, who restores balance, is a metaphor in the journey of the human experiment in linear time and emotion. All virtual created by consciousness. All are theories.
The Ojo Guarea complex, weaving its way for miles into the earth, poses an undecipherable riddle. In his book En Busca de la Historia Perdida (In Search
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Commandeur Adama
Magister Ordo Kolob - Admin
Commandeur Adama

Nombre de messages : 8905
Age : 60
Localisation : Pays de Néphi - Mormon forest
Date d'inscription : 16/02/2007

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MessageSujet: Re: Ancient Astronauts   Ancient Astronauts I_icon_minitimeJeu 22 Mai - 1:23

The Ojo Guarea complex, weaving its way for miles into the earth, poses an undecipherable riddle. In his book En Busca de la Historia Perdida (In Search of Forgotten History), Spanish author and filmmaker Juan G. Atienza states that some of the cave systems many entrances are considered "evil," and the local farmers will not till the soil near them nor even come close to them. Contained precisely within one of these "evil" points of access is an ancient petroglyph of what could only be, astounding though it might seem, a representation of the helicoidal structure of DNA.
Erich von Daniken
One of the strongest proponent of ancient astronaut theory is Erich von Daniken, author of several popular books on the subject. His best-selling Chariots of the Gods, published in 1968, argued that spacecraft landed long before modern humanity peopled the Earth. The ancient visitors carried out breeding experiments and produced a creature intelligent enough to have the rules of society imparted to it. These new beings invented agriculture and became the first artists, then created their own warlike civilizations. Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed by an atomic bomb. The Ark of the Covenant was allegedly an electrified transmitter that allowed Moses to communicate with the astronauts. Von Daniken claims that ancient astronauts, complete with space helmets, were carved on stela at the Mayan city of Copan.
All creational myths speak of Gods and Goddesses who came to Earth in some sort of magical scenario, or riding in chariots of fire, and creating a race called Humans. Most of these myths refer to their primary God as a Sun God meaning from the Light [male] and a moon Goddess [female]as all things in or reality are bipolar in design, duality, Sacred Geometry. In Egypt this God was called Ra, Re, Ray of Light. These gods flew in space ships and were therefore looked upon as ancient astronauts.
In India the chariots were called Vimanas.
Ancient Astronauts Hieroplanes
Egyptian hieroglyphs depict the same images carved in stone.
Creational legends are a global phenomenon. Records of the belief systems of ancient astronauts coming to Earth can be found on Rock Art -- Ancient Sumerian clay tablets and cylinder seals, and in the Bible.
The Bible speaks of the Hebrew word 'Elohim', meaning 'God' or 'those who came from the sky'.
    Elohim or Eloah is a Hebrew word related to deity, but whose exact significance is often disputed. It is the third word in the Hebrew text of Genesis and occurs frequently throughout the Hebrew Bible. In some cases (e.g. Ex. 3:4 ... Elohim called unto him out of the midst of the bush...), is generally understood to denote the God of Israel but from a neutral point of view there is no evidence proving that this originally meant one rather than several acting in accord. In other cases (e.g. Ex. 20:3 Thou shalt have no other gods before me.), it refers to the polytheistic notion of multiple gods. In still other cases, the meaning is not clear from the text, but may refer to powerful beings (e.g. Gen. 6:2 the sons of Elohim saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them for wives..., Ex. 4:16 and you [Moses] will be as Elohim to him [Aaron], Ex. 22:28 Thou shalt not curse Elohim, or curse a ruler of your people, where the parallelism suggests that Elohim may refer to human rulers).
Genesis Chapter 1:26, states 'And God said, let us make man in our own image, after our likeness'. This quote still uses the plural 'us' rather than the singular 'I', suggesting that God was not a single entity, as many of us have been brought up and conditioned to believe.
The Sumerian Epic of Gilgamesh is filled with mentions of fiery chariots and people being taken up to the garden of God. The Epic also contains a whole host of parallels to our very own old Testament. For instance, it mentions a great flood, and relates a story very close to that of Moses being cast downstream as a child. The Sumerians also had an Eden, known as Dilmun, which is described in the Epic of Enki and Ninhursag, the creation stories of both texts bear a striking resemblance.
Dilumn the Alien
In 1989, years just before I met Zecharia Sitchen, I did not knew about his theories about an alien race called the Anunnaki, and an ancient civilization called Sumer As a psychic medium, I talked with a Reptilian alien who called himself Dilmun. I also did not realize at the time that Dilmun is associated with ancient sites on the islands of Bahrain in the Persian Gulf. Reptilians, snakes, dragons, are all metaphors for human DNA, as a biogenetic experiment.
Ancient Astronauts Nibirutablet
Nibiru Gods on Earth
Dilmun told me about a civilization that was destroyed, its inhabitants leaving on a planetoid named Nibiru and coming to Earth. [Tales of destruction of an alien planet, whose inhabitants came to Earth and seed a race, are common in the grid program of our reality. They are just myths and metaphors.] Dilmun said he was six hundred years old as we measure time. [6=flower of life metaphor] His people were warriors, conquering planets for gold and riches. [gold, alchemy of time and consciousness] He did say he would return one day, as all myths speculate. It was years later that I would discover that I was connecting with the grid system, matrix, akashic records, hall of records through which we virtually experience in linear time.
Ancient Astronauts Sumergod
Ancient Astronauts Sumergod2
Ancient Astronauts Sumeriantablet
Ancient Astronauts Sumerian2
Zecharia Sitchen
The Sumerian cuneiform deciphering skills of Zecharia Sitchen, a linguist in command of many ancient languages, has set the scientific world on its ear with his astounding interpretations of ancient writings. In 1976, Sitchin's first book, The Twelfth Planet - Planet 'X', began an odyssey that has literally transformed the field of ancient history. Sitchen says this planetoid named Nibiru. This planet, unlike the other planets in our solar system, has an elliptical orbit and moves clockwise rather than counterclockwise. Nibiru's orbit passes through our solar system only once every 3,600 years, which is equal to one Nibiruan year.
Nibiru is called the 12th planet or Planet 'X'. (Metaphors: 12 Around 1 and 'X' as 10 = 1= new beginnings. 10 = 1010 binary code, as our reality is a computer program.)
Sitchen's controversial theory is based on his interpretation of ancient Sumerian texts, with its origin in the Bible, in the book of Genesis. Sitchin has spent decades as an archeologist and historian in the Middle East, researching ancient writings from the Sumerian civilization into a 5-part paperback series, The Earth Chronicles, documenting the Nibiruan interaction on Earth in ancient times. Nibiru is allegedly inhabited by the Anunnaki, Nefilim, Elohim, Giants of the Bible, Those Who From Heaven To Earth Came. They are allegedly a Reptilian Race.
The Dogon Tribe of Africa also have a fascinating creational myth that speaks of a race of reptoid aliens, Nommos, who came to Earth from Sirius, imbuing the Dogon with ancient wisdom, that in the 20th century, would be proven as fact. The Dogons originated with ancient Egypt, (Middle East, area of the Cradle of Civilization) the source of their knowledge perhaps coming from ancient Egyptian priests. There is also a resemblance in alien description of the Nommo and Anunnaki.
Ancient Astronauts Dogon3
Dogon Gods
According to Sitchen, the Nibiruans landed on Earth, colonized it, mining the Earth for gold and other minerals, establishing a spaceport in what today is the Iraq-Iran area, the Cradle of Civilization, and lived in a kind of idealistic society as a small colony. They genetically interfered in our indigenous DNA to create a slave-race to work their mines, farms, and other enterprises in Sumer. They created Humans, Homo Sapiens, through genetic manipulation with themselves and ape man Homo Erectus.
The Great Flood allegedly was an attempt to destroy the slave races of humanity by the Nibiruans because they had rebelled against their Nibiruan Gods, Enlil and Enki, who were in a heated dispute over whether to destroy or preserve the slave races.
Ancient Astronauts Nibiru2
Every 3,600 years Nibiruan will return for more gold. This myth is based on the same Sacred -Creational Geometry Grids that is found in all other myths. The patterns, 6, 12, 24, and 36 are here once again.
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Commandeur Adama
Magister Ordo Kolob - Admin
Commandeur Adama

Nombre de messages : 8905
Age : 60
Localisation : Pays de Néphi - Mormon forest
Date d'inscription : 16/02/2007

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MessageSujet: Re: Ancient Astronauts   Ancient Astronauts I_icon_minitimeJeu 22 Mai - 1:24

Ancient Astronauts Graybabycaveman
Ancient Astronauts Alienscavemen
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